Thanks for an informative writeup. Some suggestions - 1. Request to elaborate when you use shortforms first time. It was difficult to understand MPC when it first appeared in writeup as there was no full form mentioned. 2. The transition between section was difficult to follow in long writeup. Will be good to give headings or highlight key points.
I am an illiterate when it comes to economics etc so i still found this to be at a level where it was difficult to understand.
Eg CPI and MPC is an alien concept.
This looks already simplified, but if you could further simplify it would be great. Ofcourse, it is just a thought and i thank you for the article again.
There's no smooth flow to the article. Absurd jumps between the topics. Please elaborate on the abbreviations. Probably one or two conclusions based on the data can be helpful
Team content is good. But try to make it simple and understandable like finshots. How this data will effect the economy that also should be explained. Like if CPI lowered by vegetables price only, is it really shows the inflation reduced? Such explaination will ease the understanding of data and layman like me can understand the effect of this.
Thanks for an informative writeup. Some suggestions - 1. Request to elaborate when you use shortforms first time. It was difficult to understand MPC when it first appeared in writeup as there was no full form mentioned. 2. The transition between section was difficult to follow in long writeup. Will be good to give headings or highlight key points.
Noted. Thanks for the feedback.
Hi folks. First of all, great initiative.
I am an illiterate when it comes to economics etc so i still found this to be at a level where it was difficult to understand.
Eg CPI and MPC is an alien concept.
This looks already simplified, but if you could further simplify it would be great. Ofcourse, it is just a thought and i thank you for the article again.
Noted. Thanks for the feedback
There's no smooth flow to the article. Absurd jumps between the topics. Please elaborate on the abbreviations. Probably one or two conclusions based on the data can be helpful
Noted. Thanks for the feedback.
Team content is good. But try to make it simple and understandable like finshots. How this data will effect the economy that also should be explained. Like if CPI lowered by vegetables price only, is it really shows the inflation reduced? Such explaination will ease the understanding of data and layman like me can understand the effect of this.
Noted. Thanks for the feedback.